About us

Yeti NZ is all about riding great bikes with amazing friends and sharing unforgettable experiences. 

First and foremost, we are dedicated to supporting independent bike shops across New Zealand. Far more than the big box stores, local, independent shops are the true hub of the cycling community. .

For those familiar with our past, we began as Black Seal Imports in 2010 and have grown tremendously over the last few years. As our company grew, we purchased a small shop called Bike Otago. The shop grew over the years and eventually in 2018 we sold the shop to regain full focus on Black Seal. 

Currently we run a very tight ship with Mat and Kashi doing pretty much everything between them. Mat usually works on the front end, handling dealer questions or customer enquiries. He works from home in Wellington, but we also have a garage in Island Bay which we keep all our small parts, clothinng and this is also where our main demo fleet is based out of. 

Kashi works from home in Dunedin and generally takes care of the back end, including purchasing, accounts etc. But he also works with Mat on sales and service from time to time as well. 


Address: Black Seal Imports Limited, 15 Fox Street, Port Chalmers,  Dunedin 9023

Phone : +64 37421185

Email : sales@blackseal.co.nz

Kashi Leuchs

Kashi Leuchs

Mat Wright

Mat Wright